Soru 1 |
Daughter : Shall we go out, dady?
Dad : I’m sorry, I can’t. I think - - - - . He’s bored at home, too.
Daughter : Ok, we can go with him.
I feel ill today | |
it’s a bad idea | |
let’s play a board game | |
your brother can come with you |
Soru 2 |
Meg: I’ve a headache every morning.
Terry: - - - - . You should go to bed early.
We can have breakfast together | |
Let’s go camping in the woods | |
I think you don’t sleep well | |
A doctor should see you |
Soru 3 |
Katie: What’s your favourite film character?
Lily: Superman. I think - - - - .
he’s strong and brave | |
I hate horror movies | |
that’s a good idea | |
it’s a fairy tale |
Soru 4 |
Sue: - - - - -?
Emily: I like watching action movies.
What is the name of the movie | |
What kind of movies do you like | |
What is your favourite film | |
What time is the movie |
Soru 5 |
Nasreddin Hodja always makes jokes and he - - - - .
has evil friends | |
is a frightening man | |
has boring adventures | |
is a funny and friendly man |
Soru 6 |
Superman is a strong, honest, good-hearted man and - - - - .
he always helps people | |
he sometimes lies | |
he is really boring | |
he is a lazy character |
Soru 7 |
Konuşma balonunda hangi seçenekteki görselden bahsedilmektedir?
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Soru 8 |
Nancy: Which cartoon is on?
Sam : Sponge Bob. It’s my favourite.
Nancy: Really? (I) - - - -?
Sam : Four. Bob,Gary, Patrick and Mr. Crabs.
Nancy: (II) - - - -?
Sam : He is friendly and funny
When do you watch it | |
What is the movie about | |
Who are the main characters | |
How many characters are there |
Soru 9 |
Nancy: Which cartoon is on?
Sam : Sponge Bob. It’s my favourite.
Nancy: Really? (I) - - - -?
Sam : Four. Bob,Gary, Patrick and Mr. Crabs.
Nancy: (II) - - - -?
Sam : He is friendly and funny.
(II) numaralı boşluğa gelebilecek doğru ifade hangisidir?
What is Bob like | |
Why do you like it | |
Who loves Bob in your family | |
What’s your favourite character |
Soru 10 |
Verilen tabloya göre altı çizili sorunun cevabı hangisidir?
Betty feels tired today. She can’t go out and she wants to watch a movie. What type of movie does she watch?
Comedy | |
Horror | |
Adventure | |
Fairy Tale |
5. Sınıf İngilizce 6. Ünite Movies PDF Test
5. Sınıf İngilizce 6. Ünite Movies konusuyla ilgili sorular bulunmaktadır. Testler; kazanım odaklı güncel sorulardan oluşmaktadır.
Test İstatistikleri (Ortalama)
Doğru | 5.88 |
Yanlış | 3.68 |
Net | 4.67 |
Çözülme Sayısı | 40 |
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