Soru 1 |
“There is a slumber party at Ayşe’s home next Saturday. What do you need for the party?”
Yukarıdaki bilgiyi aşağıdaki görsellerden hangisi doğru ifade etmektedir?
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Soru 2 |
Friendship is very important in our lives and friendship is one mind in two boddies. They are very close to each other like family members. - - - -
A true friend always backs his friend up. | |
They don’t get on well with each other. | |
They don’t count on with each other. | |
Good friends tell lies each other. |
Soru 3 |
Alice : Would you like to join us for the English project?
Rose : - - - -
Alice : Why not?
Rose : I have my own project group.
Sure, why not? | |
Yeah, let’s start. | |
That sounds great but I can’t. | |
Of course. |
Soru 4 |
Aleyna :I have an English exam next Monday. I feel anxious. Because I didn’t study.
Pete : - - - -
Aleyna :Really? Yes,certainly.
Would you like to help me? | |
Would you like to join volleyball course? | |
If you want, I can help you. | |
If you want, you can help me. |
Soru 5 |
Alice : Here is your invitation card. Please join my party tomorrow.
Brain : - - - - .
Alice : It’s no problem for me. He can join us, too.
Brain : Oh, awesome! We will be there.
Oh, why not? I love birthday parties | |
I’m sorry but I can’t. I have a lot to do | |
Thank you but my cousin is coming tomorrow | |
It would be great but maybe next time |
Soru 6 |
Şule is my true friend. We share similar likes and dislikes. We always - - - - with each other.
tell lies | |
get on well | |
go for a walk | |
come over |
Soru 7 |
Whenever I need help for my homework, Emin always helps me. He is my buddy because he is - - - - .
only good at Maths | |
generous but shy | |
lazy and slow | |
kind and supportive |
Soru 8 |
Kate : Hi, Bruce. It’s Kate calling. I heard a good romance is playing at the cinema. Would you like to come with me?
Bruce : Oh! - - - -
Kate : Can you come and pick me up on your way?
Bruce : OK! I’ll take you at 7 p.m.
I’m sorry, I am busy tonight. | |
No , I am not feeling well. | |
Yes ,I’d love to. I love romances. | |
I’d love to but I have to study for my exam. |
Soru 9 |
Uncle : How about going for a walk ?
Nephew: - - - -
Uncle : OK. Maybe next time.
Sure,where are we going? | |
Certainly, I am bored at home. | |
I’m sorry but I am really tired. | |
Yes, why not? |
Soru 10 |
Carol is the - - - - .
relative | |
cousin | |
sender | |
teacher |
8. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite Friendship PDF Test
8. Sınıf İngilizce 1. Ünite Friendship konusuyla ilgili sorular bulunmaktadır. Testler; kazanım odaklı güncel sorulardan oluşmaktadır.
Test İstatistikleri (Ortalama)
Doğru | 9.01 |
Yanlış | 2.75 |
Net | 8.04 |
Çözülme Sayısı | 412 |
Başarı Tablosu
İsim Soyisim | Doğru | Yanlış | Süre |
Tülay Ayiler | 12 | 0 | 43 saniye |
Hacı Veli Demirel | 12 | 0 | 46 saniye |
Gizem Yıldız | 12 | 0 | 47 saniye |
Yiğit Kılıç | 12 | 0 | 72 saniye |
Rüzgar ERCAN | 12 | 0 | 97 saniye |
Ufuk BASER | 12 | 0 | 98 saniye |
Emir Özcan | 12 | 0 | 102 saniye |
Bera Musab DAĞ | 12 | 0 | 104 saniye |
Fatma B. Akyol | 12 | 0 | 134 saniye |
Enes Dalda | 12 | 0 | 156 saniye |
Berkay Sağıroğlu | 12 | 0 | 168 saniye |
Efe Baran Kamar | 12 | 0 | 181 saniye |
Yiğit Akkaya | 12 | 0 | 194 saniye |
Anitora | 12 | 0 | 196 saniye |
Ceren Erdoğan | 12 | 0 | 201 saniye |
Atakan | 12 | 0 | 224 saniye |
Duru Büyükyatıkçı | 12 | 0 | 231 saniye |
Yunus Emre Akarsu | 12 | 0 | 239 saniye |
Ahsen Kaplan | 12 | 0 | 256 saniye |
Doruk Akkaya | 12 | 0 | 262 saniye |