Soru 1 |
Mr. Oneil: Why didn’t come to school yesterday?
Walter : Sorry, Mr. Oneil. I was very ill yesterday - - - -.
if I see the dentist | |
because I went to hospital | |
that’s why I couldn’t finish my project | |
but the doctor gave me some medicine |
Soru 2 |
Ernest : - - - - ?
Laura : The Wright Brothers. They successfully designed, built and flew it in 1903.
Who discovered electricity | |
When was the first aircraft invented | |
What did the Wright Brothers invent | |
Who invented the first powered aircraft |
Soru 3 |
Kaya: What are you doing?
Hasan: I’m reading an article about Alexander Graham Bell. Do you know him?
Kaya: Of course. He - - - - .
Hasan: Yes and he made the first call to Alessandra Lolita Boswell.
discovered electricity | |
performed many surgeries | |
discovered the structure of DNA | |
invented the first practical telephone |
Soru 4 |
Charles Babbage - - - - the first mechanical computer in 1830s and it is still one of the most important - - - - of all times.
invented / inventor | |
invented / invention | |
discovered / discovery | |
discovered / discovery |
Soru 5 |
Susan : Why do scientists conduct experiments on some animals?
Dr. Brown : - - - - .
Susan : Well, I see. They are trying the new cures on animals first.
Dr. Brown : That’s right.
They are looking for some fossils | |
Scientist are searching the Net for the new cures | |
Doctors sometimes take an x-ray of the patients | |
They try to find out the true cure before testing on people |
Soru 6 |
I need to work on different soil samples for it | |
I need some soil for the flowers at home | |
I will explore the craters on the moon | |
I want to make a model wind turbine |
Soru 7 |
Verilen başlığın altına seçeneklerde verilen ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez?
The electricity | |
The phonograph | |
The first powerful telescope | |
The first mechanical computer |
Soru 8 |
“My doctor is vaccinating me aganist the major diseases.” ifadesini anlatan görsel aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
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Soru 9 |
Thomas Edison is one of the most important inventors of history. He was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician activist and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school for only 12 weeks. Because he was a hyperactive child, her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had a process for self education and learning. It helped him invent such a lot of things. He invented electric bulb, the phonograph and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
Edison couldn’t attend to the school regularly because - - - - .
his parents didn’t want him to go to school | |
there weren’t any schools suitable for him | |
he couldn’t take high marks | |
he was a hyperactive student |
Soru 10 |
Thomas Edison is one of the most important inventors of history. He was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician activist and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school for only 12 weeks. Because he was a hyperactive child, her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had a process for self education and learning. It helped him invent such a lot of things. He invented electric bulb, the phonograph and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
According to the text, - - - -.
his father was a teacher | |
Edison had all his education at school | |
Nancy was Edison’s teacher and mother | |
Samuel and Nancy were both political activist |
Soru 11 |
Thomas Edison is one of the most important inventors of history. He was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician activist and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school for only 12 weeks. Because he was a hyperactive child, her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had a process for self education and learning. It helped him invent such a lot of things. He invented electric bulb, the phonograph and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
Which one is not an invention of Thomas Edison?
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8. Sınıf İngilizce 9. Ünite Science PDF Test
8. Sınıf İngilizce 9. Ünite Science konusuyla ilgili sorular bulunmaktadır. Testler; kazanım odaklı güncel sorulardan oluşmaktadır.
Test İstatistikleri (Ortalama)
Doğru | 6.46 |
Yanlış | 4.77 |
Net | 4.87 |
Çözülme Sayısı | 13 |
Başarı Tablosu
İsim Soyisim | Doğru | Yanlış | Süre |
Özgür Şahin | 12 | 0 | 57 saniye |
Atakan | 11 | 1 | 283 saniye |
muhammed ali kara | 4 | 8 | 19 saniye |
Hüseyin Kelten | 4 | 8 | 21 saniye |